Description: FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Advanced FPGA Design by Steve Kilts This book provides the advanced issues of FPGA design as the underlying theme of the work. In practice, an engineer typically needs to be mentored for several years before these principles are appropriately utilized. The topics that will be discussed in this book are essential to designing FPGAs beyond moderate complexity. FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Publisher Description This book provides the advanced issues of FPGA design as the underlying theme of the work. In practice, an engineer typically needs to be mentored for several years before these principles are appropriately utilized. The topics that will be discussed in this book are essential to designing FPGAs beyond moderate complexity. The goal of the book is to present practical design techniques that are otherwise only available through mentorship and real-world experience. Back Cover A practical FPGA reference thats like an on-call mentor for engineers and computer scientists Addressing advanced issues of FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) design and implementation, Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization accelerates the learning process for engineers and computer scientists. With an emphasis on real-world design and a logical, practical approach, it walks readers through specific challenges and significantly reduces the learning curve. Designed to enhance and supplement hands-on experience, this real-world reference includes: Waveform diagrams and circuit diagrams illustrating each topic Examples that illustrate typical problems in Verilog Case studies that demonstrate real-world applications Chapter-end summaries that reiterate key points Ideal for engineers and computer scientists who want to take their FPGA skills to the next level and for use as a hands-on reference, this is also an excellent textbook for senior or graduate-level students in electrical engineering or computer science. Flap A practical FPGA reference thats like an on-call mentor for engineers and computer scientists Addressing advanced issues of FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) design and implementation, Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization accelerates the learning process for engineers and computer scientists. With an emphasis on real-world design and a logical, practical approach, it walks readers through specific challenges and significantly reduces the learning curve. Designed to enhance and supplement hands-on experience, this real-world reference includes: Waveform diagrams and circuit diagrams illustrating each topic Examples that illustrate typical problems in Verilog Case studies that demonstrate real-world applications Chapter-end summaries that reiterate key points Ideal for engineers and computer scientists who want to take their FPGA skills to the next level and for use as a hands-on reference, this is also an excellent textbook for senior or graduate-level students in electrical engineering or computer science. Author Biography Steve Kilts is a cofounder and principal engineer at Spectrum Design Solutions, an engineering consulting firm based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota . Mr. Kilts and his team at Spectrum have successfully completed projects for clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small start-ups. His FPGA design experience is extensive and includes applications in audio, DSP, high-speed computing and bus architectures, IC testers, industrial automation and control, embedded microprocessors, PCI, medical system design, commercial aviation, and ASIC prototyping. Mr. Kilts has many years of experience making performance trade-offs for FPGA designs targeting high speed, area reduction, and low power. He holds a master of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota. Table of Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv 1. Architecting Speed 1 1.1 High Throughput 2 1.2 Low Latency 4 1.3 Timing 6 1.3.1 Add Register Layers 6 1.3.2 Parallel Structures 8 1.3.3 Flatten Logic Structures 10 1.3.4 Register Balancing 12 1.3.5 Reorder Paths 14 1.4 Summary of Key Points 16 2. Architecting Area 17 2.1 Rolling Up the Pipeline 18 2.2 Control-Based Logic Reuse 20 2.3 Resource Sharing 23 2.4 Impact of Reset on Area 25 2.4.1 Resources Without Reset 25 2.4.2 Resources Without Set 26 2.4.3 Resources Without Asynchronous Reset 27 2.4.4 Resetting RAM 29 2.4.5 Utilizing Set/Reset Flip-Flop Pins 31 2.5 Summary of Key Points 34 3. Architecting Power 37 3.1 Clock Control 38 3.1.1 Clock Skew 39 3.1.2 Managing Skew 40 3.2 Input Control 42 3.3 Reducing the Voltage Supply 44 3.4 Dual-Edge Triggered Flip-Flops 44 3.5 Modifying Terminations 45 3.6 Summary of Key Points 46 4. Example Design: The Advanced Encryption Standard 47 4.1 AES Architectures 47 4.1.1 One Stage for Sub-bytes 51 4.1.2 Zero Stages for Shift Rows 51 4.1.3 Two Pipeline Stages for Mix-Column 52 4.1.4 One Stage for Add Round Key 52 4.1.5 Compact Architecture 53 4.1.6 Partially Pipelined Architecture 57 4.1.7 Fully Pipelined Architecture 60 4.2 Performance Versus Area 66 4.3 Other Optimizations 67 5. High-Level Design 69 5.1 Abstract Design Techniques 69 5.2 Graphical State Machines 70 5.3 DSP Design 75 5.4 Software/Hardware Codesign 80 5.5 Summary of Key Points 81 6. Clock Domains 83 6.1 Crossing Clock Domains 84 6.1.1 Metastability 86 6.1.2 Solution 1: Phase Control 88 6.1.3 Solution 2: Double Flopping 89 6.1.4 Solution 3: FIFO Structure 92 6.1.5 Partitioning Synchronizer Blocks 97 6.2 Gated Clocks in ASIC Prototypes 97 6.2.1 Clocks Module 98 6.2.2 Gating Removal 99 6.3 Summary of Key Points 100 7. Example Design: I2S Versus SPDIF 101 7.1 I2S 101 7.1.1 Protocol 102 7.1.2 Hardware Architecture 102 7.1.3 Analysis 105 7.2 SPDIF 107 7.2.1 Protocol 107 7.2.2 Hardware Architecture 108 7.2.3 Analysis 114 8. Implementing Math Functions 117 8.1 Hardware Division 117 8.1.1 Multiply and Shift 118 8.1.2 Iterative Division 119 8.1.3 The Goldschmidt Method 120 8.2 Taylor and Maclaurin Series Expansion 122 8.3 The CORDIC Algorithm 124 8.4 Summary of Key Points 126 9. Example Design: Floating-Point Unit 127 9.1 Floating-Point Formats 127 9.2 Pipelined Architecture 128 9.2.1 Verilog Implementation 131 9.2.2 Resources and Performance 137 10. Reset Circuits 139 10.1 Asynchronous Versus Synchronous 140 10.1.1 Problems with Fully Asynchronous Resets 140 10.1.2 Fully Synchronized Resets 142 10.1.3 Asynchronous Assertion, Synchronous Deassertion 144 10.2 Mixing Reset Types 145 10.2.1 Nonresetable Flip-Flops 145 10.2.2 Internally Generated Resets 146 10.3 Multiple Clock Domains 148 10.4 Summary of Key Points 149 11. Advanced Simulation 151 11.1 Testbench Architecture 152 11.1.1 Testbench Components 152 11.1.2 Testbench Flow 153 Main Thread 153 Clocks and Resets 154 Test Cases 155 11.2 System Stimulus 157 11.2.1 MATLAB 157 11.2.2 Bus-Functional Models 158 11.3 Code Coverage 159 11.4 Gate-Level Simulations 159 11.5 Toggle Coverage 162 11.6 Run-Time Traps 165 11.6.1 Timescale 165 11.6.2 Glitch Rejection 165 11.6.3 Combinatorial Delay Modeling 166 11.7 Summary of Key Points 169 12. Coding for Synthesis 171 12.1 Decision Trees 172 12.1.1 Priority Versus Parallel 172 12.1.2 Full Conditions 176 12.1.3 Multiple Control Branches 179 12.2 Traps 180 12.2.1 Blocking Versus Nonblocking 180 12.2.2 For-Loops 183 12.2.3 Combinatorial Loops 185 12.2.4 Inferred Latches 187 12.3 Design Organization 188 12.3.1 Partitioning 188 Data Path Versus Control 188 Clock and Reset Structures 189 Multiple Instantiations 190 12.3.2 Parameterization 191 Definitions 191 Parameters 192 Parameters in Verilog-2001 194 12.4 Summary of Key Points 195 13. Example Design: The Secure Hash Algorithm 197 13.1 SHA-1 Architecture 197 13.2 Implementation Results 204 14. Synthesis Optimization 205 14.1 Speed Versus Area 206 14.2 Resource Sharing 208 14.3 Pipelining, Retiming, and Register Balancing 211 14.3.1 The Effect of Reset on Register Balancing 213 14.3.2 Resynchronization Registers 215 14.4 FSM Compilation 216 14.4.1 Removal of Unreachable States 219 14.5 Black Boxes 220 14.6 Physical Synthesis 223 14.6.1 Forward Annotation Versus Back-Annotation 224 14.6.2 Graph-Based Physical Synthesis 225 14.7 Summary of Key Points 226 15. Floorplanning 229 15.1 Design Partitioning 229 15.2 Critical-Path Floorplanning 232 15.3 Floorplanning Dangers 233 15.4 Optimal Floorplanning 234 15.4.1 Data Path 234 15.4.2 High Fan-Out 234 15.4.3 Device Structure 235 15.4.4 Reusability 238 15.5 Reducing Power Dissipation 238 15.6 Summary of Key Points 240 16. Place and Route Optimization 241 16.1 Optimal Constraints 241 16.2 Relationship between Placement and Routing 244 16.3 Logic Replication 246 16.4 Optimization across Hierarchy 247 16.5 I/O Registers 248 16.6 Pack Factor 250 16.7 Mapping Logic into RAM 251 16.8 Register Ordering 251 16.9 Placement Seed 252 16.10 Guided Place and Route 254 16.11 Summary of Key Points 254 17. Example Design: Microprocessor 257 17.1 SRC Architecture 257 17.2 Synthesis Optimizations 259 17.2.1 Speed Versus Area 260 17.2.2 Pipelining 261 17.2.3 Physical Synthesis 262 17.3 Floorplan Optimizations 262 17.3.1 Partitioned Floorplan 263 17.3.2 Critical-Path Floorplan: Abstraction 1 264 17.3.3 Critical-Path Floorplan: Abstraction 2 265 18. Static Timing Analysis 269 18.1 Standard Analysis 269 18.2 Latches 273 18.3 Asynchronous Circuits 276 18.3.1 Combinatorial Feedback 277 18.4 Summary of Key Points 278 19. PCB Issues 279 19.1 Power Supply 279 19.1.1 Supply Requirements 279 19.1.2 Regulation 283 19.2 Decoupling Capacitors 283 19.2.1 Concept 283 19.2.2 Calculating Values 285 19.2.3 Capacitor Placement 286 19.3 Summary of Key Points 288 Appendix A 289 Appendix B 303 Bibliography 319 Index 321 Review "Advanced FPGA Design is an excellent and concise reference book that is suitable for engineers already familiar with the fundamentals of FPGA design. (IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2008) Long Description A practical FPGA reference thats like an on-call mentor for engineers and computer scientists Addressing advanced issues of FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) design and implementation, Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization accelerates the learning process for engineers and computer scientists. With an emphasis on real-world design and a logical, practical approach, it walks readers through specific challenges and significantly reduces the learning curve. Designed to enhance and supplement hands-on experience, this real-world reference includes: Waveform diagrams and circuit diagrams illustrating each topic Examples that illustrate typical problems in Verilog Case studies that demonstrate real-world applications Chapter-end summaries that reiterate key points Ideal for engineers and computer scientists who want to take their FPGA skills to the next level and for use as a hands-on reference, this is also an excellent textbook for senior or graduate-level students in electrical engineering or computer science. Review Text "Advanced FPGA Design is an excellent and concise reference book that is suitable for engineers already familiar with the fundamentals of FPGA design. (IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2008) Review Quote " Advanced FPGA Design is an excellent and concise reference book that is suitable for engineers already familiar with the fundamentals of FPGA design. ( IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , November 2008) Feature Advanced FPGA Design is an example-driven work that delivers hands-on mentor clarity to advanced topics in FPGA design and implementation. Chapter examples illustrate problems in VHDL and Verilog. Significantly reduces the learning curve for engineers/computer scientists working with advanced FPGA design and implementation. Presents circuit diagrams illustrating each topic and waveform diagrams give the reader the hands-on tools to manage the information. Features screen captures of implementation tools indicate the location of different features and options. Offers case studies that illustrate real-world problems. Details ISBN0470054379 Author Steve Kilts Short Title ADVD FPGA DESIGN Pages 352 Language English ISBN-10 0470054379 ISBN-13 9780470054376 Media Book Format Hardcover DEWEY 621.395 Year 2007 Subtitle Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization Alternative 9780470127896 Birth 1978 Affiliation Logic Product Development, USA Edition 1st Country of Publication United States DOI 10.1604/9780470054376 UK Release Date 2007-08-03 Place of Publication Hoboken AU Release Date 2007-06-13 NZ Release Date 2007-06-13 Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc Series IEEE Press Publication Date 2007-08-03 Imprint Wiley-IEEE Press Illustrations Drawings: 146 B&W, 0 Color; Screen captures: 5 B&W, 0 Color Audience Professional & Vocational US Release Date 2007-08-03 We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. 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ISBN-13: 9780470054376
Book Title: Advanced FPGA Design
Item Height: 257 mm
Item Width: 179 mm
Series: Wiley-Ieee
Author: Steve Kilts
Publication Name: Advanced Fpga Design: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons INC International Concepts
Subject: Engineering & Technology
Publication Year: 2007
Type: Textbook
Item Weight: 656 g
Number of Pages: 352 Pages