Description: The longest-running animated show, and the FOX network's most popular series ever, THE SIMPSONS continues to make television history in its seventh season. Unfolding in the fictional town of Springfield, the show features TV's most dysfunctional and best-loved family, comprised of lunkish patriarch Homer, genius do-gooder Lisa, mischievous Bart, baby Maggie, and Marge, the voice of reason. This season sees the celebration of the 138th episode, which takes a look back at the show's origins on the TRACEY ULLMAN SHOW, with producer Troy McClure and also some "hardcore nudity." In "Scenes from a Class Struggle in Springfield," Marge's new dress leads to a struggle to fit in down at the country club, while Mr. Burns's horrid bowling abilities almost brings down the team in "Team Homer." Other episodes include "A Fish Called Selma," "Much Apu about Nothing," "Homerpalooza," and "Who Shot Mr. Burns." The numerous guest stars include Courtney Thorne-Smith, Chris Elliott, Mickey Rooney, Linda and Paul McCartney, Bob Newhart, Donald Sutherland, and Kirk Douglas.
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All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Type: TV Series
Season: 7
Edition: Molded "Marge Head" Packaging
Rating: NR
Movie/TV Title: Simpsons-Season 7
Format: DVD
Release Year: 2005
Genre: TV Shows, Comedy