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Description: * ULTIMATE ABRAHAM LINCOLN CONSPIRACY THEORY COLLECTION * 70+ RARE BOOKS on CD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. They have been scanned page by page from the original texts. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas 1860 "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races — that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." p.136 The 15th Amendment - An Account of it s Enactment, article in Report of the Virginia State Bar Association 1903 "I did not say that I was in favor of negro suffrage; but twice-once substantially and once expressly-I declared against it. I presume the editor of that paper is an honest and truth-loving man, and that he will be greatly obliged to me for furnishing him, thus early, an opportunity to correct the misrepresentation he has made, before it has run so long that malicious people can call him a liar." Facts and Falsehoods Concerning the War of the South by George Edmonds The Real Lincoln, from the testimony of his contemporaries by Charles Minor 1903 (Was Lincohi Heroic? Was Lincoln a Christian? Lincoln's Jokes and Stories, Estimates of Lincoln, Opposition to Abolition Before the War, Secession Long Threatened. Coercion Never Seriously Thought) The Real Lincoln by Charles Minor 1903 No Treason, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 by Lysander Spooner 1868 "On the part of the North, the war was carried on, not to liberate the slaves, but by a government that had always perverted and violated the Constitution, to keep the slaves in bondage; and was still willing to do so, if the slaveholders could be thereby induced to stay in the Union. The principle, on which the war was waged by the North, was simply this: That men may rightfully be compelled to submit to, and support, a government that they do not want; and that resistance, on their part, makes them traitors and criminals...If it be really established, the number of slaves, instead of having been diminished by the war, has been greatly increased; for a man, thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave. And there is no difference, in principle — but only in degree — between political and chattel slavery. The former, no less than the latter, denies a man's ownership of himself and the products of his labor; asserts that other men may own him, and dispose of him and his property, for their uses, and at their pleasure." [Think about it: The Civil War actually INCREASED slavery] Northern Rebellion and Southern Secession by Elbert Ewing 1904 "I am in favor of our new Territories being in such a condition that white men may find a home — may find some spot where they can better their condition — where they can settle upon new soil and better their condition in life. I am in favor of this not merely for our own people who are born among us, but an outlet for free white people everywhere, the world over." Class Struggles in America By Algie Martin Simons 1906 "To say that the Republican party was organized, or the Civil war waged to abolish chattel slavery is but to repeat a tale invented almost a decade after the war was closed, as a means of glorifying the party of plutocracy and maintaining its supremacy. So far was the North from wishing the abolition of slavery at the opening of the Civil war that in December, 1860, after several states had already seceded, a joint resolution was passed by both houses of Congress providing for a constitutional amendment that should prohibit the adoption of any future amendment interfering with slavery within the bounds of any existing state. Neither did the South secede in order to maintain slavery. This is proven by the fact that when the fortunes of war became desperate the confederate cabinet proposed to abolish slavery as a means of gaining European sympathy and retaining their independent position." Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin 1860 "A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas." (Lincoln wanted the West to be a Whites-only zone) Crimes of the Civil War by Henry Clay Dean 1868 The Confederate Struggle and Recognition, article in The London quarterly review 1862 "Mr. Lincoln is a poor plagiarist in the arts of tyranny. There is nothing striking or original in his proceedings; his plan is, just like that of any Old-World despot, to crush out adverse opinion by sheer force. He suppresses newspapers, manipulates news, seizes the telegraph, imprisons hostile speakers and writers, and gives full rein to the passions of his subordinates..." Recollections of the Sioux massacre by Oscar Wall 1908 "After thirty-nine of the most guilty had been selected, one was pardoned by President Lincoln, and the thirty-eight were executed as ordered..." p. 165 [Lincoln ordered the largest mass-execution in American History] Article in the The Medical world 1917 "The whole thing was an awful mistake. The time for the disappearance of human slavery was rapidly approaching, and cool wisdom on both sides and deliberation would finally have solved the slavery problem with reasonable justice and satisfaction to both sides; and then the question of breaking the union would not have arisen. The rest of the civilized world abolished slavery without a war. If we had been as wise, there would have been no war, and much blood and treasure would have been saved. The war was to save the union, tho slavery was the cause of the danger to the union." A True Vindication of the South by Thomas Norwood 1917 Democracy in America Volume 1, by Alexis de Tocqueville 1840 "the prejudice of the race appears to be stronger in the states which have abolished slavery, than in those where it still exists; and nowhere is it so intolerant as in those states where servitude has never been known." p.388 Democracy in America Volume 2, by Alexis de Tocqueville 1840 "I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." - Black Republican Ideas 1862 The South vindicated from the charge of treason and rebellion by William Boggs 1881 The Britannica answered and the South vindicated; a defense of the South against the aspersions of the Encyclopedia Britannica by T Oglesby 1891 Is Davis a traitor; or, Was secession a constitutional right previous to the war of 1861? by Albert Bledsoe 1866 History of an attempt to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln by John Power 1887 Constitutional Problems under Lincoln by JG Randall 1926 (Not in Copyright) The Washington Despotism 1863 The Truth about Socialism by Allan Benson 1913 "The capitalist class of the North was not interested in maintaining chattel slavery, because the investments of Northern capitalists were chiefly in industrial undertakings, for which black slave labor was not well suited. Yet, the North never seriously objected to slavery, as such." Union - Disunion - Reunion. Three decades of federal legislation 1855 to 1885 by Sam Cox 1886 Was Lincoln a Christian? by Preston Bradley 1922 Abraham Lincoln: was he a Christian by John Remsburg 1893 Was Abraham Lincoln and Infidel, Volume 1 by Carl Wettstein 1910 Was Abraham Lincoln and Infidel, Volume 2 by Carl Wettstein 1910 The Religion of Abraham Lincoln by Robert Ingersoll 1900 Political fallacies: an examination of the false assumptions, and refutation of the sophistical reasonings, which have brought on this Civil War by George Junkin 1863 Richardson's Defense of the South by JA Richardson 1914 ("Lincoln had proclaimed that the war was not waged to free the negro. This was done to save the border states to the Union. Often during the war did the Southern soldiers hear from the lips of prisoners from the border States. "If we thought we were fighting to free the negro we would not fire another gun.") The Life of William H. Seward Volume 2 by F Bancroft 1900 "The London Spectator of October 11, 1862, said: "The principle [Emancipation Proclamation] is not that a human being cannot justly own another, but that he can not own him unless he is loyal to the United States." The Four acts of Despotism: comprising (The tax bill, The finance bill, The conscription act, The indemnity bill (1863) by DA Mahoney The Murder of Abraham Lincoln planned and executed by Jesuit priests 1893 Will Canada be Lost? Article in the Living Age 1911 "We sometimes say loosely that the war was fought to abolish slavery; but slavery was not abolished until the war had been in progress for some time, and then only as a military measure. Nor was it fought to secure equality for the colored people, if we may judge by the treatment of this same colored people in the North today. It was fought—as the Lincoln Government declared—to preserve the Union. It was fought in the teeth of two dominant American doctrines— State sovereignty and individual liberty." A Life of Clement L. Vallandigham 1872 (Vallandigham was a fierce opponent of "King Lincoln" whom Lincoln had arrested. He eventually had to leave the country.) Speeches, Arguments, Addresses, and Letters of Clement L. Vallandigham 1864 Truth of the war conspiracy of 1861 Volume 1 by HW Johnstone 1921 Truth of the war conspiracy of 1861 Volume 2 by HW Johnstone 1921 Unconstitutional Acts of the Present Government, article in The Knickerbocker 1863 Karl Marx- his life and work by John Spargo 1912 - "Marx, it must be remembered, was a most passionate and devoted admirer of President Lincoln. It is probable that the message which Lincoln addressed to Congress...had much to do with the admiration and esteem with which Marx regarded him. In that message Lincoln had declared that "Labour is prior to, and independent of Capital. Capital is only the fruit of Labour, and could never have existed if Labour had not first existed. Labour is the superior of Capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Such sentiments could not fail to appeal to the Socialist." An Anthology of the epigrams and sayings of Abraham Lincoln 1908 "These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people, and now, that they have got into a quarrel with themselves, we are called upon to appropriate the people's money to settle the quarrel." Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? by James Gordon 1919 Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? by Nettie Maynard 1891 What is Spiritualism? by JM Peebles 1903 ("ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the martyred President, was a Spiritualist. He frequently attended seances at the residence of the Lauries in Washington.") Abraham Lincoln the Practical Mystic by Francis Grierson 1918 Abraham Lincoln, a Spiritualist by ME Williams 1891 The Negro Problem - Abraham Lincoln's solution by William Pickett 1909 "I do not speak of emancipation at once, but of a decision at once to emancipate gradually. Room in South America can be obtained cheaply and in abundance..." (Amalgamation was never desired, deportation was Lincoln's option) Abraham Lincoln - a history by John G Nicolay 1890 "Lincoln replied that Republicans did not aim at abolition in the slave States, but only the exclusion of slavery from free Territories....I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects — certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment..." Lincoln addresses and letters 1914 "Certainly the negro is not our equal in color—perhaps not in many other respects; still, in the right to put into his mouth the bread that his own hands have earned, he is the equal of every other man, white or black." Lincoln, by Edward Mott 1909 "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." Emancipation by Joseph Wilson 1882 - "thought whatever negroes can be got to do as soldiers, leaves just so much less for white soldiers to do" Frauds and falsehoods of the Republican party by A Buck 1892 "the Republican party, at the time of its organization, indorsed and upheld the existence of slavery in the states where it then existed, and declared that it should never be interfered with..." The Soul of Abraham Lincoln By William Eleazar Barton 1920 (THE RELIGION OF LINCOLN, Why Did Lincoln Never Join a Church? Two Herndon Letters Concerning Lincoln's Religion, Lincoln and the Churches) The Life of Abraham Lincoln by WH Lamon 1872 (According to Scribners monthly: "The latest biography of Mr. Lincoln, published under the name of Col. W. H. Lamon, but with the large co-operation of Mr. W. H. Herndon, concerns itself with the endeavor to establish certain allegations injurious to the good name of that illustrious man, whose tragic and untimely death has consecrated his memory in the hearts of a grateful nation. Two charges in this biography are worthy of especial notice and disproof,—the charge that he was born a bastard, and the charge that he died an infidel." Abraham Lincoln's Religion by Madison Peters 1909 Was Lincoln an Agnostic, article in the New Age Magazine 1918 Lincoln and Prohibition by Charles White 1921 Paypal is our preferred choice of payment. 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